To make this component work you must follow these steps:
  1. Add a Page trigger and select Page load
  2. Select the Loader 2 [Hide] animation inside When page finishes loading
  3. Position loader2_component inside page-wrapper
  4. Set loader2_component position to fixed and display to none
Sometimes there may be a bug where the website briefly flashes before the loader is displayed. To avoid this add the following custom code in your Site settings > Custom Code > Head code
 .preloader {
   display: flex;

Become a member

More members = More Galgos saved. It’s as simple as that.

We depend on our members. Every year we rescue and give up for adoption more than 350 galgos, but we would like to be able to help many more. We can only achieve this by increasing the number of members of the association.

On a practical and economic level, the quarterly or annual contributions of the members allow us to finance and coordinate the rescue of galgos in situations of abandonment or danger. But we also depend on your support in the legislative fight to improve the lives of all galgos in Spain.

We always remind our members and the people around them to keep reporting injustices towards galgos in our country, in order to send complaints to the competent authorities. A single complaint is usually ignored, but thousands of them are taken into consideration. The more protests there are, the faster we can change this terrible situation. Be the voice of a galgo in need, become a member.

Become a member of SOS Galgos today!

As a member of SOS Galgos you receive: Your membership card and a SOS Galgos sticker for your vehicle. This way you can show your support to a recognized organization, necessary to help galgos.

Fill out this form to become a member (
only available for Spanish residents):

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